
Showing posts from July, 2022

Sitecore OData Item Api extensions for reference type fields

 Sitecore OData Item Api provides readonly access to Sitecore items. The OData Item Api is particularly useful when you need to pull some data from Sitecore to show on a non-Sitecore websites. In my case, I needed to pull a list of current job opening in my organization to show them on our company's non-Sitecore website's careers page. For more information on OData Item Api and how to query the data, check the Sitecore documentation page . One thing that particularly bothered me when using OData Item Api service to get an item and its field values using a query like below is, the lack of support for getting the link field target URL in one query. /sitecore/api/ssc/aggregate/content/Items('{F7SDEBB9-6AB1-4ACC-A790-FE627DD18722}')?$expand=FieldValues&sc_apikey={ADGT918E-8F0F-4F7E-8C77-DEE3F4F2E1Y1} When you run the above query against an item with General link field, the output for the field values looks something like this As you can see, the link field value is just